Prva nova “korona pesma”… Bono Voks nadahnut raspevanim Italijanima na balkonima

Bono Vox/Photo: YouTube printscreen
Bono Vox/Photo: YouTube printscreen

Frontmen grupe U2, Bono Voks izveo je svoju prvu novu pesmu od 2017. godine, a reč je o pesmi nadahnutoj Italijanima u karantinu tokom epidemije korona virusa.

Na svoj Instagram profil Bono Voks je postavio novu pesmu “Let Your Love Be Known” s potpisom: “Za Italijane koji su me nadahnuli… za Irce… za SVAKOGA kojima je ovaj dan svetog Patrika uskraćen i još uvijek peva. Za lekare, medicinske sestre, negovatelje koji su na liniji fronta, to vam pevamo”.

Očigledno kod kuće u Dablinu, Bono Voks kaže da je “Let Your Love Be Known” koju izvodi solo na klaviru napisao svega sat vremena pre objave. U tekstu “prolazi” pustim Dablinom, a govori o izolaciji i strahu usred epidemije korona virusa.


Let Your Love Be Known (Bono Vox)

Yes there was silence
yes there was no people here
yes I walked through the streets of Dublin and no-one was near
Yes I don’t know you
No I didn’t think I didn’t care
You live so very far away from just across the square

And I can’t reach but I can rain
You can’t touch but you can sing
Across rooftops
Sing down the phone
Sing and promise me you won’t stop
Sing your love, be known, let your love be known.

Yes there is isolation
You and me we’re still here
Yes when we open our eyes we will stare down the fear
And maybe I’ve said the wrong thing
Yes I made you smile
I guess the longest distance is always the last mile.

And I can’t reach but I can rain
You can’t touch but you can sing
Across rooftops
Sing to me down the phone
Sing and promise me you won’t stop
Sing and you’re never alone.

Sing as an act of resistance
Sing though your heart is overthrown
When you sing there is no distance
So let your love be known, oh let your love be known
Though your heart is overthrown.
Let your love be known.




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