Pročitajte Bouvija… Sin slavnog muzičara organizuje maraton čitanja očevih omiljenih knjiga

Dejvid Bouvi/Photo: press-photo-2016-billboard

Sin Dejvida Bouvija, Dankan Džons, predstavio je ovih dana zanimljiv online projekt – klub ljubitelja knjiga posvećen omiljenim književnim delima ove muzičke legende.

Omiljena dela Dejvida Bouvija nikada nisu bila tajna, sam muzičar ih je objavio na svojoj službenoj web stranici pre pet godina pod naslovom “Top 100 Books”.

Među izabranim delima naleze se Orvelova “1984”, Danteov “Pakao”, Floberova “Gospođa Bovari”, Bardžisova “Paklena pomorandža” kao i roman “Hawksmoor” Pitera Akrojda koji je Džons izabrao za otvaranje ovog kluba ljubitelja knjiga.

Svoj plan za književni maraton stopama Dejvida Bouvija Džons je podelio na društvenim mrežama i svima koji žele da se priključe predložio rok da prvu knjigu završe do 1. februara kada će otkriti novi naslov.

DUNCAN LAUNCHES BOWIE BOOK CLUB VIA TWITTER “Screaming above Central London…” Back in October 2013 we exclusively posted the complete list of “DAVID BOWIE’S TOP 100 BOOKS”. ( In case you’ve not already seen it on Twitter, Duncan Jones has now kicked off what we’re calling the Bowie Book Club. Here’s what he said about the idea and his first selection. + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + Duncan Jones @ManMadeMoon Dec 27 My dad was a beast of a reader. One of his true loves was Peter Ackroyd’s sojourns into the history of Britain & its cities. I’ve been feeling a building sense of duty to go on the same literary marathon in tribute to dad. Time allowing… #Read-ItBig’nsTheBrain Duncan Jones @ManMadeMoon Dec 27 Alright gang! Anyone who wants to join along, we are reading Peter Ackroyd’s “Hawksmoor,” as an amuse cerveau before we get into the heavy stuff. You have until Feb 1. + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + Hawksmoor is in DAVID BOWIE’S TOP 100 BOOKS list, indeed it’s one of the books we illustrated in our montage back in 2013. It’s also a work we’ve loved for a long time here at DBHQ, since David first recommended it many years ago. Go here ( for the synopsis of this gripping and terrible tale of two Londons separated by two and a half centuries. #BowieBookClub #ReadingIsBrainFood

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