Kao da su stvarno na drugoj planeti… Pogledajte kako izgleda na setu novog Avatara

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Ekipa predvođena Džejmsom Kameronom nastavlja da snima film “Avatar 2”. Džon Landau, producent prethodnog filma, otkrio je svojim pratiocima na Instagramu kako protiče snimanje.


Ako se može suditi prema scenografiji, neobičnim mašinama i broju zaposlenih, smeši se novi spektakl koji će biti, najverovatnije, premijerno prikazan naredne godine.


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Today is our last day of 2019 live action filming here in New Zealand. Today is also Thanksgiving back home. I am thankful to our remarkable Avatar cast & crew for their incredible passion, talent and commitment. I am thankful to all of the families who have been supportive and understanding of your loved ones being away from home for so long. I am thankful to all of the men and woman who work in public education and those that serve in the law enforcement or the military. I am most thankful to my wife Julie for always being there for me. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone Stateside. And, HAPPY LAST DAY OF 2019 FILMING to our team in New Zealand. See you in February. #avatar #avatarsequels #jamescameron #behindthescenes #bts #newzealand

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“Naš set je spreman i veoma smo uzbuđeni, jer od iduće sedmice snimamo na Novom Zelandu”, napisao je producent Džon Landau na svom profilu na Instagramu.




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