Voters pisao Putinu: Znam, znam da SAD i NATO napadaju druge suverene zemlje bez oklevanja, ali to ne znači da i Vi treba to da radite…

Rodžer Voters/Photo: YouTube screenshot

Član legendarne grupe Pink Floyd Rodžer Voters objavio je na Facebooku otvoreno pismo ruskom predsedniku Vladimiru Putinu, pošto se nedavno na isti način obratio supruzi ukrajinskog predsednika Volodimira Zelenskog.


Rodžer Voters, koji je u više navrata javno izražavao svoje stavove povodom rata u Ukrajini, ovog puta je iz Los Anđelesa na svom profilu na Facebooku uputio otvoreno pismo predsedniku Rusije, Vladimiru Putinu.


U objavi je naveo da je to učino pošto su ga u komentarima na društvenim mrežama pitali zašto je samo pisao Oleni Zelenskoj, sa namerom da utiče i ohrabri na prekid vatre u ukrajinskom sukobu.


Pismo prenosimo u celosti:

“Poštovani predsedniče Putin, otkako je Ruska Federacija izvršila invaziju na Ukrajinu 24. februara ove godine, pokušao sam da iskoristim svoj mali uticaj da ohrabrim prekid vatre i podstaknem diplomatsko rešenje nesuglasica, koje se odnosi na bezbednosne potrebe i Ukrajine i Ruske Federacije.

U tim nastojanjima napisao sam dva otvorena pisma gospođi Oleni Zelenskoj, supruzi ukrajinskog predsednika.

Ova pisma su lako dostupna na internetu. Sve češće se traži da i vama pišem, pa evo.

Prvo, da li biste želeli da vidite kraj ovog rata? Ako biste odgovorili i rekli: ‘Da, molim vas’. To bi odmah stvari učinilo mnogo lakšim. Ako biste izašli i rekli: ‘Takođe, Ruska Federacija nema daljih teritorijalnih interesa osim bezbednosti stanovništva na Krimu, Donjecku i Lugansku gde se govori ruski’. To bi takođe pomoglo. Kažem ovo jer znam neke ljude koji misle da želite da pregazite celu Evropu, počevši od Poljske i ostatka baltičkih država.

Ako to učinite, je..te se, i svi bismo onda mogli da prestanemo da igramo očajnički opasnu igru nukleranih kukavica, koja jastrebovima s obe strane Atlantika tako prija i koja im je pri ruci.

Da, samo raznesite jedni druge i svet u paramparčad.

Roger Waters
Los Angeles, CA
Sunday 25th September 2022

Recently I have been reading comments on social media, asking why I’ve written to Mrs. Olena Zelenska but not Mr. Vladimir Putin? Very good question, I’m glad you asked, here it is.

Roger Waters’ open letter to Vladimir Putin.

Dear President Putin, since The Russian Federation invaded Ukraine on February 24th this year I have tried to use my small influence to encourage a ceasefire and a diplomatic settlement that addresses the security needs of both Ukraine and The Russian Federation. In that endeavor I have written two open letters to Mrs. Olena Zelenska the wife of the Ukrainian President. These letters are readily available on the internet. I am increasingly asked to write to you too, so here goes. Firstly, would you like to see an end to this war? If you were to reply and say, “Yes please.” That would immediately make things a lot easier. If you were to come out and say, “Also the Russian Federation has no further territorial interest beyond the security of the Russian speaking populations of The Crimea, Donetsk and Lubansk.” That would help too. I say this because, I know some people who think you want to overrun the whole of Europe, starting with Poland and the rest of the Baltic states. If you do, fuck you, and we might as well all stop playing the desperately dangerous game of nuclear chicken that the hawks on both sides of the Atlantic seem so comfortable with, and have at it. Yup, just blow each other and the world to smithereens. The problem is, I have kids and grandkids, and so do most of my brothers and sisters all over the world and none of us would relish that outcome. So, please Mr Putin indulge me, and make us that assurance.

Alright back to the table, if I’ve read your previous speeches correctly, you would like to negotiate a state of neutrality for a sovereign neighboring Ukraine? Is that correct? Assuming such a peace could be negotiated it would have to include an absolutely binding agreement not to invade anyone ever again. I know, I know, the USA and NATO invade other sovereign countries at the drop of a hat, or for a few barrels of oil, but that doesn’t mean you should, your invasion of Ukraine took me completely by surprise, it was a heinous war of aggression, provoked or not.
When Mrs. Zelenska replied to me via Twitter, I was very surprised and mightily moved, if you were to reply to me, I would mightily respect you for it, and take it as an honorable move in the right direction towards a sustainable peace.

Yours sincerely
Roger Waters

Posted by Roger Waters on Monday, September 26, 2022

Problem je što imam decu i unuke, kao i većina moje braće i sestara širom sveta i niko od nas ne bi uživao u takvom ishodu.

Dakle, molim Vas, gospodine Putin, da mi udovoljite i da nas u to uverite.

Dobro, vratimo se za sto, ako sam dobro pročitao vaše prethodne govore, vi želite da pregovarate o neutralnom statusu za suverenu susednu Ukrajinu? Da li je to tačno?

Pod pretpostavkom da se takav mir može ispregovarati, on bi da morao da uključi apsolutno obvezujući sporazum da se više ne vrši napad na bilo koga.

Znam, znam, SAD i NATO napadaju druge suverene zemlje bez oklevanja, ili za nekoliko barela nafte, ali to ne znači da i Vi treba to da radite. Vaša invazija na Ukrajinu potpuno me iznenadila, bila je gnusan agresorski rat, izazvan ili ne.

Kad mi je gospođa Zelenska odgovorila putem Twittera, bio sam veoma iznenađen i silno dirnut, ako biste mi odgovorili, ja bih Vas silno poštovao zbog toga i razumeo bih to kao častan potez u pravom smeru ka održivom miru.

S poštovanjem,

Rodžer Voters“.



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