Royal Blood ima novi singl… Album stiže krajem aprila

Royal Blood/ Photo: printscreen
Royal Blood/ Photo: printscreen

Britanski dvojac Royal Blood objavio je singl pod nazivom “Typhoons” kojim najavljuju istoimeni novi album.

Here she is. Can’t believe we finally get to share this with you!

We’re both so incredibly proud to announce that our third album ‘TYPHOONS’ will be released April 30th and is now available to pre-order! Pre-order from our official store for access to pre-sale tickets for UK tour dates, to be announced.

Typhoons is what it sounds like to be truly lost in your own thoughts to a hellish extent but also about how dark spells, much like storms are not permanent.

This song was one those special moments where the process didn’t resemble writing whatsoever. More like being tethered to the earth, receiving holy lightning.

Look after each other and crank this until you see smoke.

With love

Michael and Benjamin x

Posted by Royal Blood on Thursday, 21 January 2021

Kako je planirano, njihovo treće studijsko izdanje pojaviće se na tržištu 30. aprila ove godine.



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