Ozi Ozborn nudi 25.000 dolara… “Pošteni nalazači”, vratite ukradenu gitaru Rendija Roudsa njegovoj porodici


Ozi Ozborn ponudio je 25.000 dolara kao nagradu za vraćanje ukradenih instrumenata koji su prethodno bili u vlasništvu njegovog pokojnog gitariste Rendija Roudsa.

– Kao što su mnogi već čuli, Musonia School of Music u Nju Holivudu u Kaliforniji (škola u kojoj je Rendi tako sjajno naučio da svira gitaru) bila je opljačkana u Noći zahvalnosti – napisao je Ozbor na Instagramu.

– Školom je upravljala Rendijeva pokojna majka, Delores, a nakon njegove smrti pre 37 godina, škola je postala mesto hodočašća njegovih obožavalaca iz celog sveta. To je mesto na kome je porodica Rouds radosno otvorila svoja srca kako bi podelili Rendijev život. Kao što pretpostavljate, predmeti koji su ukradeni, uključujući i Rendijevu električnu gitaru, nezamenljivi su porodici Rouds.


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As many of you have heard, the Musonia School of Music in N. Hollywood, CA (the school where Randy Rhoads famously taught guitar) was viciously robbed on Thanksgiving night. Musonia was run by Randy’s late mother, Delores, and after his death 37 years ago, the school became something of a pilgrimage to his fans from all over the world. It is a place where the Rhoads Family happily opened their hearts to share the life of Randy. As you can imagine, the items that were stolen, including Randy’s first electric guitar, are irreplaceable to the Rhoads Family. I am heartbroken that these treasured physical memories of Randy and Delores have been taken from the family so I’ve decided to personally offer a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction and/or return of all stolen items. For information regarding the theft or return of these items please contact: Nick D’Argenzio Phone: 818-281-7893 E-Mail: nickdargenzio@gmail.com Here is a list and images of the items that were taken: · Randy Rhoads’ First Electric Guitar Owned, Harmony Rocket Est. 1963 · Randy Rhoads’ Original Quiet Riot Gear – Peavey Amp Head, 1970s · Randy Rhoads Series Marshall Head, Rare Protoype No. 1 or 2 given to the family by Marshall Company. · Delores Rhoads’ First Trumpet, a Prewar/Great Depression Era Silver Fresh Besson Trumpet. This was given to her as a child by her medical doctor father in exchange for medical services as a barter during the great depression. This subsequently sparked Delores Rhoads long lived music career. · 40 years of fan gifts to the Rhoads Family, memorabilia, all photos of Randy Rhoads, the Osbournes, Delores Rhoads, and miscellaneous instruments were taken. The photo shown in the main room was cleared out.

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Rouds je bio glavni gitarista Ozborna na njegovim kultnim albumima – “Blizzard of Ozz” iz 1980. i “Diary of a Madman” iz 1981. pre nego što je stardao 19. marta 1982. u tragičnoj avionskoj nesreći.

Ukradeni instrumenti uključuju prvu električnu gitaru Roudsa, Harmony Rocket iz 1963. godine, kao i raritetan Marshallov prototip napravljen specijalno za Roudsa, kao i trubu iz vremena Velike depresije koja je bila u vlasništvu Roudsove majke Delores.

– Jako me pogađa to što su ta dragocena fizička sećanja na Rendija i Delores uzeta od porodice, tako da sam odlučio da lično ponudim nagradu od 25.000 dolara za informacije koje vode ka hapšenju i osudi i/ili vraćanju svih ukradenih stvari – dodao je Ozborn.

HL/Izvor: rollingstone.com



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