Green Day, ustvari The Network, ustvari Green Day… singlovima “The Prophecy” i “Ivankkka Is A Nazi” najavili novi album

Green Day/ Photo: Promo
Green Day/ Photo: Promo

The Network, “tajni” projekat američkog punk/rock benda Green Day, novim singlovima “The Prophecy” i “Ivankkka Is A Nazi” najavio je album “Money Money 2020 Part II”.

Novo izdanje naslednik je prvog i jedinog albuma benda -“Money Money 2020” objavljenog 2003. godine (kada je The Network i formiran).

Sedamnaest godina kasnije, a pre pet dana, pojavio se zanimljiv video na Instagram profilu The Networka, a zatim je na YouTube kanalu postavljen video za “The Prophecy”.

U pozadini videa (tizera za singl) možemo da čujemo ne baš prijatan glas dok gledamo lobanje, guštere, skelete, scene iz starih SF filmova…

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The Network were formed in the year 2003, fulfilling an ancient prophecy predicting that we, its chosen members, would issue a stern warning to mankind in the form of music. Released as the album titled Money Money 2020 we shined the headlights upon the follies and vanity of man kind. Rapidly achieving fame and fortune, we had often been mistaken as the planets greatest rock ‘n’ roll band Green Day. This earthly comparison is almost as comical as the humans that inhabit this dying planet! A Time Machine & The Church of Lushotology… After our mercurial rise and the foundation of the Church of Lushotology. We have seen riches beyond imagination, thus we abandoned the doldrums of stardom and focused our efforts on time travel and the salvation of things beyond the human grasp! Within our travels through both time and space we have seen the futures foretold in the prophecy, and it is both disastrous and hilarious! Beyond these interstellar crossroads lie parallel dimensions where the oxymorons can create their own destiny! Choose wisely, for the devolution of man has always been a choice. The release of “Money Money 2020 Part II” will serve as the final lesson! Within the binary codes of this album exist the keys to our past, present, and future DNA! The Gods are laughing & it’s up to you to prove them wrong… You’re welcome… The Network The Church of Lushotology is in session and it’s time to drink up!

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– Nevažnost čoveka ne može se preceniti – kaže glas i nastavlja: – Dakle, u godini “Money Money 2020”,  setite se jedne stvari… Snimak se zatim prekida, a pojavljuje maskirani bend koji peva “U pravu smo, pogrešili ste… Rekli smo vam”.

A pre dva dana, 2. oktobra, na YouTube kanalu projekta The Network postavljen je još jedan video singl – “Ivankkka Is A Nazi”.

Članovi benda Green Day uvek su negirali da stoje iza ovog projekta.

Izvor: HL/NME



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