Džoš Hom, Alison Mošart i još poneko… setili se Entonija Burdena na drugu godišnjicu njegove smrti

Entoni Burden/Photo: facebook@AnthonyBourdain
Entoni Burden/Photo: facebook@AnthonyBourdain

Džoš Hom, Alison Mošart i nekolicina prijatelja obeležili su drugu godišnjicu smrti Entonija Burdena odavanjem počasti pokojnom američkom kuvaru.

Buredn je sebi oduzeo život u 61. godini, 8. juna 2018. Bio je u Strazburu, u Francuskoj, na snimanju Netflixovog serijala “Parts Unknown”

Frontmen Queens Of The Stone Age na Instagramu je podelio zajedničku fotografiju i kratko napisao: “Nedostaješ mi”.


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I miss you

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Mošart, pevačica Killsa koja se pojavila u epizodi “Parts Unknown” iz 2016. godine podelila je zajedničku crno-belu fotografiju iz fotoboksa. “Nedostaju mi tvoje čizme da hodaju po tlu AB”, napisala je i dodala nekoliko emotikona crnog srca.


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I miss your boots on the ground AB. ????

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Takođe, čuveni podcat voditelj Džo Rogan, u svojoj dugoj Instagram poruci otkrio je koliko se divi Burdenu, uz portret kuhara koji krasi zid njegovog ateljea.

– Stvarno sam mislio da je jedan od naj-cool ljudi koji postoje”, napisao je, “i da će ga njegova perspektiva i uvid provesti kroz najteže vode s kojima se mnogi susreću u životu. Na ovaj dan mislim na njega i pitam se da li sam ga mogao usmeriti na neku bolju odluku da sam bio u blizini toekom njegovog poslednjeg dana.”


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Today marks the anniversary of the death of my friend @anthonybourdain. I was in my hotel room and I got a text from my friend Maynard Keenan. We had joked about the two of them having a celebrity Jiu Jitsu match since they were both serious enthusiasts. He let me know Tony was no longer with us and then I looked it up online and spent most of the morning in this surreal kind of shock. I really admired Bourdain, and I couldn’t imagine that a guy like him would ever get to the point where he would want to take his own life. I just thought he was one of the coolest people alive and that his perspective and insight would navigate him through the most difficult of waters that many people encounter in life. To this day I’ll think about him and wonder if I could have steered him into a better place if I was around during his last day. This cool piece of art by @dennystocke hangs in my studio and I think about that every time I pass it.

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Od prošle sedmice, svih 12 sezona “Parts Unknown” dostupno je za streaming na Netflixu. Poslednja emisija emitovana je 2018. godine i bila je snimana u Keniji, Indoneziji i Burdenovom rodnom Njujorku.

HL/Izvor: nme.com



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