Ona će pola Holivuda oterati u zatvor… Rouz Megoven otkrila da je kao maloletnicu iskoristio još jedan poznati reditelj

Rouz Megoven/Photo: facebook@RoseMcGowan
Rouz Megoven/Photo: facebook@RoseMcGowan

Glumica Rouz Megoven (46) šokirala je javnost nakon što je optužila na društvenim mrežama oskarovca i redatelja Aleksandra Pejna (59) da ju je seksualno iskoristio kada je imala samo 15 godina.

Prema onome što je napisala, do incidenta je navodno došlo krajem osamdesetih godina, kada je Pejn bio u kasnim dvadesetim.

“Aleksandre Pejne. Pustio si mi film za odrasle koji si režirao za ‘Showtime’ pod drugim imenom. Još uvek se sećam tvog apartmana u Silverlejku. Veoma si obdaren. Nakon toga si me ostavio na uglu ulice. Imala sam 15 godina”, napisala je ona na Tviteru te dodala da samo želi da prizna da je to uradio i da joj se izvini.


Nije dugo prošlo, glumica se oglasila i na Instagramu i detaljnije opisala kako joj se udvarao:

“Nakon iskustva s njim napustila sam glumu dok nisam ‘otkrivena’ s 21 godinom. Kada se to dogodilo rekla sam ‘je*eš sve, idemo to da uradimo’. Čak sam mu na Tviteru čestitala na osvojenom Oskaru 2012, što pokazuje koliko duboko sam bila u kultu Holivuda”, napisala je u opisu fotografije na kojoj ima 15 godina.

A onda je otkrila kako je tri nedelje nakon što je objavljena priča o Harviju Vajnstinu ponovo razmotrila situaciju s Pejnom.

“Više sam tužna nego što sam ljuta. Tužna sam zbog sebe kada sam imala 15. Tužna sam zbog sebe odrasle koja još uvek misli da je to izabrala. Seksualno iskorišcavanje je stvarno. Želim da znaš da nije tvoja greška ako si toliko mentalno izmasiran da misliš kako je to u redu. Ako pokušavaš da imaš seks s maloletnom osobom onda činiš zlocin, čak i ako maloletnica to ne zna. Bio mi je privlačan, pa sam mislila da je do mene, ali to nije tačno”, priznala je.

Pejn se još nije oglasio povodom ovih optužbi.


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Last night I dropped a bomb of truth. For years I had thought a man I had sexual relations with was a a sexual experience I had. I now know I was groomed. I auditioned for him at 15. After my experience with him, I quit acting entirely until I was ‘discovered’ at 21. When that happened, I was like, fuck it, let’s do this. I even tweeted a congratulations on his Oscar win in 2012, that’s how deep in the Cult of Hollywood I was. It wasn’t until three weeks after the Weinstein story broke that I re-evaluated the situation. I feel badly about throwing a bomb into someone’s life and career, but I guess that’s social conditioning. I’m more sad than angry. Sad for 15 year-old me. Sad for the adult me that still thought it was a choice I made. Grooming is real. I want you all to know that it’s not your fault if you were mentally massaged into thinking it’s okay. It is not. I know this now. I would even go up to this director at events and ask him, with a smile, “remember when you had sex with me at 15?” And I would laugh it off. That is deep societal programming. If you are out there trying to have sex with an underage minor, you are committing a crime, even if the minor doesn’t know it. I was attracted to him, so I thought it was on me, but that’s not correct. I was not an adult. When it happened, I’d recently been left behind in Hollywood by a family member to fend for myself. The wolves preyed. Please recognize that if this has happened to you, the shame is not yours, it’s theirs. Give it back. Groomers are skilled operators and at 15, I was not aware of the warning signs. I named him on Twitter, but since Instagram is my softer side, I just don’t want his name here. Goddess bless us all, except for those that abuse their power. Here’s to freedom, yours and mine.

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HL/Izvor: b92.net



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