I kamenje odustalo od kotrljanja… The Rolling Stones otkazali letnju turneju zbog pandemije koronavirusa

The Rolling Stones/Photo: printscreen
The Rolling Stones/Photo: printscreen

Čuveni rok bend The Rolling Stones  zbog situacije koja je zahvatila celu planetu i proglašenja pandemije koronavirusa (COVID 19), otkazao je predstojeću severnoameričku turneju koja je trebalo da traje od 8. maja do 9. jula.

Turneja je odložena zbog globalne pandemije, zbog koje su već otkazane brojne manifestacije iz svih sfera širom sveta, a otkazuju se i dalje.

– Duboko smo razočarani što smo morali da otkažemo turneju – obratili su se Stonsi fanovima u saopštenju.

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AEG Presents/Concerts West regret to announce the postponement of the Rolling Stones upcoming ‘No Filter’ tour of North America due to the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic. The Stones 15 date No Filter summer tour was due to kick off in San Diego on May 8 and end in Atlanta on July 9. For the full list of dates, cities and venues postponed visit rollingstones.com “We’re hugely disappointed to have to postpone the tour. “We are sorry to all the fans who were looking forward to it as much as we were, but the health and safety of everyone has to take priority. We will all get through this together — and we’ll see you very soon” – Mick, Keith, Charlie and Ronnie. AEG Presents / Concerts West advise ticket holders to hold onto their original tickets and await further information.

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– Izvinjavamo se svim fanovima koji su se radovali turneji koliko i mi, ali zdravlje i bezbednost svakoga je sada prioritet. Svi ćemo se zajedno izvući iz ovoga – i videćemo se vrlo brzo – poručili su Mik, Kit, Čarli i Roni.


HL/Izvor: telegraf.rs




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