Gitarista Toola Adam Džons objavio demo snimak pesme “Descending” i objasnio zašto je u taktu 7/8

Adam Džons/ Photo: Facebook @Adam JonesTool
Adam Džons/ Photo: Facebook @Adam JonesTool
Adam Džons/ Photo: Facebook @Adam JonesTool

Adam Džons, gitarista grupe Tool, objavio je na instagramu deo demo snimka pesme “Descending”. Navedena pesma svoje mesto našla je na aktuelnom albumu grupe Tool “Fear Inocuilum”, prvog albuma benda posle više od deset godina, javlja magazin NME.

Uz objavu isečka, Džons se dotakao i kreativnog procesa iza ove pesme. Objasnio je kako je “mastermind” iza neuobičajenog (barem za vrsti muzike koju Tool svira) takta 7/8 – Džastin Kasnelor.



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Early comp of what is now descending. ???? Writing music ???? Justin and I normally bring in potential riffs and demos – then the 3 of us tear them apart like wolves while DC stirs it up with the most opposite counter rhythm drumming (which actually does drives everything forward)???????? Justin brought in this killer 7 melody which is now the main verse of the song. (He called it “bluegrass” as a working title). We jammed it a LONG time trying to find other cool working parts. Eventually I added the 9beat turnaround and a chorus. Then we arranged the intro -which came along very naturally. *The two guitar parts are recorded left and right stereo so feel free to try some headphones ???? ~enjoy friends ????

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